Wednesday, March 3, 2010

but seriously..

sorry, just had to be a smart ass there.
Things are going pretty good. I'm going on 5 months sober. Quite an accomplishment. Rather proud of that.
I also just finished a 6-week self search/career directional course and now that school is doing all they can to get me work. They paid for 5 online courses that I am doing excellent at. My future looks quite good.
I got a rather unexpected vote of confidence yesterday as well : the guy that runs the recovery house I am staying at told me that once I have more sober time under my belt (at least a year) he would like me to go back to the house to work. In 5 months I have gone from being a hopeless drunk to someone that they want to employ to help others find a better path in life. I probably won't do that (full time anyway -  I would consider coming in to do volunteer weekends or something) because if things work out the way school is planning them I will have a much better job and too little time on my hands, but it felt real damn good to have someone say that I could be a role model on how to live your life as opposed to being a poster boy for how to NOT live.
I am now the senior resident in the house. I have been there longer than anyone and I am also the oldest one there (including the owner hahaha). At 46 I am a senior
I also recently became the secretary for one of the groups here as well. Nothing too big, it's mostly on paper for red-tape stuff.

Well, that's about it for today...
how are you doing?

1 comment:

Diane@Diane's Place said...

So more hurry up and wait, eh? At least you're able to take some classes to improve your employability while you're waiting. You know I'm hoping for the best for you, my friend.

I'm also one of your biggest fans and celebrate your 5 months sober with you! Too bad you don't live closer; I'd cook you up a Southern feast and we could celebrate in style! ;o)

Love and hugs,
