Tuesday, September 13, 2011

I just don't care anymore. (R.I.P. my love of pro sports)

NHL season is quickly approaching and normally I would be reading all the forecast magazines and watching all the pre-season games, etc. Not this year. Something funny happened when the last NHL season ended. I lost interest. Not just in the NHL, but in ALL pro sports.And before anyone thinks this is just because the Canucks failed to win the cup,it's not. If the Canucks failing to win were enough to make me lose interest, I would have stopped watching around 1973. It's never been ALL about my teams winning. Yes, that part, when/if it happens is great fun. But for me, it's always been about the enjoyment of the games themselves. I had already lost interest in the NFL years ago but now it has spread to ALL pro sports. I thought that I would at least watch the CFL this year but, no, same thing. I tune into "the game" and....nothing. I just don't care. I just cant be bothered anymore. So, good-bye my love of pro-sports. It was a great and glorious ride with a lot of fun memories. I got to see my beloved Lions win the Grey Cup at home. In a luxury box, no less! I even got to go to a Canuck game 7 play-off game. It was vs Winnipeg in 1992 I believe. However, life goes on and I have far better things to care about in my life now. I no longer need the emotional thrill,nor validation that comes from "my" team winning a game or even winning it all. Perhaps,one day, I may "go back" but for now,I just don't care anymore.


CB said...

I can't understand the "obsession" with professional sports, watching people who make more money in one year than most people will in a lifetime, dismissing inexcusable behavior because they play on a sports team. Congratulations to you :D

Alex said...

updating this...I still haven't watched much more than 5 minutes of any pro sports. don't miss them. i sometimes watch the hilites to see if my guys got me points but thats just for the money. just like them.

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